New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 11, 2024

Day 101 Say Less | Proverbs 10:19-20

Day 101 Say Less | Proverbs 10:19-20

Say Less

Too much talk leads to sin.
     Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.


The words of the godly are like sterling silver;
     the heart of a fool is worthless

Verse 19

Solomon is not saying that we should not speak. However, some people speak too much.

If we want to help people, then we should listen to them. We should try to understand their problems. Then, maybe, we can help them. We can pray for them. Perhaps we can advise them. Perhaps we can take them to someone else who can help.

If, for example, someone has died, many people are afraid to speak to the family. We should care, and we should sympathise. We should talk to the family. However we should not talk too much.

Sometimes, we can care with our words. Sometimes, we can care by our actions. Best of all, we can be with the sad person.

Verse 20

If we serve God, then our words will help other people. Our words are valuable, so we should use them wisely. We should use them:

·††† to encourage other people

·††† to sympathise

·††† to help people.

An evil man wants evil things. He makes evil plans. He tries to destroy other people. This is why his desires are worth nothing.

You know how they say, if someone starts telling you a long, complicated story to answer a simple question, they're probably trying to cover something up? Yeah, usually the simplest explanation is the real deal.

If you're a good person, people trust what you say without you having to swear by it. Your reputation isn't something you can buy—it's built on honesty. But if you're shady, your word means squat because nobody believes you anyway.

Do you find yourself saying, "Honestly..." before you spill something to make people trust you? Or can you just say what you mean and have folks believe you? 

LET ME ASK YOU: Are you straight up with others? And with yourself?

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