New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 14, 2024

Day 103 Looking Forward | Proverbs 10:23-24

Day 103 Looking Forward | Proverbs 10:23-24

Looking Forward


Doing wrong is fun for a fool,
     but living wisely brings pleasure to the sensible.


The fears of the wicked will be fulfilled;
     the hopes of the godly will be granted.

Verse 23

In this verse, Solomon asks us what we love.

A wise person loves wisdom.

We might think that wisdom is good. This is not enough.

We might think that wisdom is powerful. Many people think these things, and some of them are fools.

‘You believe in one God. This is not good enough! Even the devils believe in one God. They are afraid of him.’ (James 2:19)

We should love wisdom; and we should love God.

Verse 24

If you desire the right things, then God will give them to you. If you desire wisdom, then God will give wisdom to you.

In the same way, a wicked person will suffer the troubles that worry him. He is afraid of death and hell. His wicked behaviour will bring him to death and hell. He will lose everything.

Who is considered a fool by Proverbs? A fool is someone

who mock’s Yahweh’s Scriptures, who disobeys God’s

Commandments, who rebels against Yahweh’s authority or who

doesn’t even believe in God.

Whatever pleasure a fool does is therefore wicked.

However, if a person has an understanding of how and

why Yahweh created the world and all humans, that person will

naturally love God’s Wisdom.

Wicked people have only their own resources to try to

succeed in this Creation. It isn’t surprising, when confronted with

the vastness of Creation, wicked people are overwhelmed by their


Righteous people understand their Creator’s love for

them, so it is natural that righteous people’s desires are granted


Contemplate: How fearful are you? Are there times

when your fears almost overwhelm you? What can be done?

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