New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 15, 2024

Day 104 Thunder and Vinegar | Proverbs 10:25-26

Day 104 Thunder and Vinegar | Proverbs 10:25-26

Thunder and Vinegar


When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away,
     but the godly have a lasting foundation.


Lazy people irritate their employers,
     like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes.

Verse 25

A storm will sweep away wicked people because they have no firm security. But God will keep safe the person who trusts in him.

See Matthew 7:24-27.

Verse 26

There is humour in this verse. If you send a lazy man with a message, your message may never arrive. Instead, send a wise man with the message. It will soon arrive.

Vinegar does set people’s teeth on edge and smoke stings

the eyes and makes it hard to see – both unpleasant experiences.

Equally unpleasant and frustrating is the experience of sending

someone to do a job when that person hates to do any work.

Contemplate: Do good guys come out on top more

than bad guys? Forgetting money, after a disaster, do good guys

have a more meaningful life than bad guys?

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