New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 21, 2024

Day 110 Honesty Ain’t Heavy | Proverbs 11:5-6

Day 110 Honesty Ain’t Heavy | Proverbs 11:5-6

 Honesty Ain’t Heavy

The godly are directed by honesty;
     the wicked fall beneath their load of sin.

The godliness of good people rescues them;
     the ambition of treacherous people traps them.

Verse 5

Solomon compares life to a journey. We must be honest. Then we will be like travellers who walk along good paths. We shall take the correct route to heaven. This is a good, straight path. It does not bend into dangerous places. We shall not lose our way.

Verse 6 We have a simple choice. We can choose to do good things. Or we can choose to do evil things. We can choose to do the right things. Or we can choose to do the wrong things. We can choose freedom, or prison.

The decision to obey God is also a simple choice. A wise person invites God into his life. This person loves God, and God looks after him. But a foolish person will not listen to God’s wisdom.

If individuals are righteous, they are following God's statutes. To adhere to God's laws, the righteous must have familiarized themselves with them. Delving into God's laws invariably leads to Wisdom, illuminating God's path for people.

Conversely, engaging in wickedness doesn't require much study. God cannot be mocked, and wickedness leads to ruin.

God promises salvation to the righteous. However, if individuals are unfaithful to God and disregard His commandments, their unfaithfulness may lead to their downfall.

Reflect: Why would a benevolent God permit individuals to face ruin—to go to hell? Yet, God's love for us is such that He grants us freedom of choice, rather than reducing us to mere automatons. However, if we persist in our obstinacy and depravity, God allows us to bear the consequences of our decisions.

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