New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 23, 2024

Day 112 Righteous and Wicked | Proverbs 11:9-10

Day 112 Righteous and Wicked  | Proverbs 11:9-10

Righteous and Wicked

With their words, the godless destroy their friends,
     but knowledge will rescue the righteous.


The whole city celebrates when the godly succeed;
     they shout for joy when the wicked die.

Verse 9 explains how a good man can avoid trouble. He is wise, because he has studied many things. His knowledge protects him. He is safer than someone who knows nothing.

However, an evil man, who does not know God, can be dangerous. Even his neighbour can suffer.

An evil man’s words destroy his neighbour (verse 9). In verse 10, everyone suffers because of the evil man. Perhaps the evil man ruled the city. Perhaps he was very cruel. The evil man’s death means that the people will be free. This is why they shout for joy. This is why they want good men to succeed.

Those without faith may defame and smear others, deriving pleasure from causing harm or seeking personal gain. Conversely, individuals of integrity are shielded by their honorable reputations. Their endeavors are driven by a desire to aid others, and their success is shared joyously by all. Conversely, the malevolent inflict harm in their actions, prompting celebrations and expressions of relief when they face downfall. 

Let me ask you: Do you align with the virtuous or the faithless?

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