New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 26, 2024

Day 115 Pay Your Bills | Proverbs 11:15-16

Day 115 Pay Your Bills | Proverbs 11:15-16

Pay Your Bills


There’s danger in putting up security for a stranger’s debt;
     it’s safer not to guarantee another person’s debt.


A gracious woman gains respect,
     but ruthless men gain only wealth.

Verse 15

We should make a promise only if we can carry out our promise. See also Proverbs 6:1-5.

Verses 16

Many people ask about the benefits that a Christian receives. These verses compare kind people with cruel people. 

People respect the kind person (verse 16)

Proverbs does not explicitly endorse using collateral for loans, but it warns against doing so for unfamiliar individuals, as it often leads to personal detriment when the borrower defaults. Defaulting on a loan is considered a breach of faith, constituting a sinful act.

In contemporary, post-Christian societies, loan defaults and bankruptcy are not necessarily deemed immoral and are sometimes seen as savvy financial strategies. However, the repercussions of extensive collateralization, particularly in the realm of defaulted student loans, are now manifesting as a burden on American society.

Verse 16 presents an unexpected twist, contrasting the honor accorded to a gracious woman with the wealth attained by violent men. While the proverb seems to imply that violent men amass riches, it reflects the pragmatic reality rather than divine approval. Although individuals possess free will, they remain accountable for their actions, and even if violent individuals amass wealth, they will ultimately face the just judgment of a higher authority.

Reflect: Are you burdened by significant debt? If so, do you have a plan to repay it? Do you prioritize the repayment of student loans as highly as mortgage or credit card debt?

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