New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 28, 2024

Day 117 Death and Life | Proverbs 11:19-20

Day 117 Death and Life  | Proverbs 11:19-20

Death and Life


Godly people find life;
     evil people find death.


The Lord detests people with crooked hearts,
     but he delights in those with integrity.

Verse 19

Nobody is ‘really good’, except God (Luke 18:19). Nobody deserves to live with God in heaven. Heaven is God’s gift to us, but we must trust in him.

Verse 20-21

These verses explain simple principles. These principles explain many things.

God wants us to live good lives, but we are all evil. God hates our evil actions. God will punish evil people.

If we want to be good, then God will help us. He wants to forgive us. He sent Jesus. We deserve punishment for our evil actions, but we do not need to suffer this punishment. When Jesus died, he received our punishment. If we ask God, then he will forgive us. We can be free from the evil things that are in our lives. Then, when we die, we shall go to heaven.

God loves good people. When we trust in him, God will change us. As we learn God’s wisdom, God will make us into his people. ‘God called you from the darkness. He called you into his wonderful light. Before this you were not a nation. Now you are God’s people.’ (1 Peter 2:9-10)

Proverbs emphasizes that sin creates a rift between us and God, leading ultimately to death, while adhering to God's precepts brings joy in His presence and eternal life. This wisdom finds resonance in the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Regarding Verse 20, many may assert, perhaps internally, "My heart isn't that corrupted, so I'm not an abomination to God." However, Romans 3:23 unequivocally states, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," underscoring the universal reality of human fallibility. Thus, no one can claim innocence before God. Consequently, we all rely on Jesus Christ, the Savior, who transforms us from abominable to beloved in God's eyes.

Reflect: Do you subscribe to the "I'm OK/You're OK" philosophy, or do you acknowledge your need for a savior?

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