New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 29, 2024

Day 118 Oinky Jewelry | Proverbs 11:21-22

Day 118 Oinky Jewelry  | Proverbs 11:21-22

Oinky Jewelry


Evil people will surely be punished,
     but the children of the godly will go free.


A beautiful woman who lacks discretion
     is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout.

God wants us to live good lives, but we are all evil. God hates our evil actions. God will punish evil people.

If we want to be good, then God will help us. He wants to forgive us. He sent Jesus. We deserve punishment for our evil actions, but we do not need to suffer this punishment. When Jesus died, he received our punishment. If we ask God, then he will forgive us. We can be free from the evil things that are in our lives. Then, when we die, we shall go to heaven.

God loves good people. When we trust in him, God will change us. As we learn God’s wisdom, God will make us into his people. ‘God called you from the darkness. He called you into his wonderful light. Before this you were not a nation. Now you are God’s people.’ (1 Peter 2:9-10)

Verse 22

Solomon uses humour in this verse. Solomon and his nation hated pigs. Everybody in Israel believed that pigs were unholy animals. The people never ate pig meat (Leviticus 11:7).

An ugly pig does not become beautiful, even if it has a gold ring! In the same way, a foolish woman is never really beautiful! (By ‘foolish’, Solomon means a person who refuses God’s wisdom.)

A beautiful woman should be kind and generous. The woman’s face might be ugly or pretty. But she is really beautiful if she does good things! (1 Peter 3:3-4)

It's reassuring to know that those who do wrong will face consequences, even if it's not immediate. Despite hating sin, God doesn't despise wicked individuals and offers them the opportunity to repent. This reminds me of an experience during my time in the Navy. When Miss America visited with the USO to entertain troops, I was shocked to hear her cussing on stage . It was unexpected, much like finding a gold ring in a pig's snout. Let me ask you;  what other analogies can you think of like the gold ring?

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