New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
April 30, 2024

Day 119 Rewards and Loss | Proverbs 11:23-24

Day 119 Rewards and Loss  | Proverbs 11:23-24

Rewards and Loss 


The godly can look forward to a reward,
     while the wicked can expect only judgment.


Give freely and become more wealthy;
     be stingy and lose everything.

Verse 23

A good man wants good things, and he will receive good things.

An evil man wants evil things. God will punish this man, because the man’s actions are evil.

Verse 24

‘One man gives, and his wealth increases. Another man does not give to anybody, and he becomes poor.’ This is a puzzle.

When a man gives, he loses money. When a man does not give, he saves his money. This verse says the opposite.

Solomon has not made a mistake. When someone is generous, God is kind to this person. Sometimes God gives more money to this person. (Luke 6:38)

The first proverb plays with words, suggesting that while righteous individuals seek goodness, we often anticipate wicked ones to crave only evil. Yet, surprisingly, the wicked desire wrath, relishing uncontrolled anger and road rage, even eagerly sharing their fury on social media.

In Verse 24, the concept shifts to generosity: those who generously share their resources tend to receive abundance in return, contrasting with those who hoard and never find satisfaction.

This dynamic isn't a strict rule but a common observation of life. Some may give with the expectation of receiving double in return, motivated by greed rather than genuine generosity.

Instead, our giving should stem from gratitude for God's love and the ability He grants us to give. It's about acknowledging the blessings we've received and sharing them with others without expecting personal gain.

Take a moment to reflect: Do you tithe, giving 10% of your income to your church as an expression of gratitude toward God?

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