New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
May 2, 2024

Day 121 Fools and Trouble | Proverbs 11:27-29

Day 121 Fools and Trouble  | Proverbs 11:27-29

Fools and Trouble


If you search for good, you will find favor;
     but if you search for evil, it will find you!


Trust in your money and down you go!
     But the godly flourish like leaves in spring.


Those who bring trouble on their families inherit the wind.
     The fool will be a servant to the wise.

Verse 27

There is a good reward for the person who does the right thing.

There is a severe punishment for the person who does evil things.

Verse 28

Wealth does not matter. If we are wealthy, we must not trust in wealth.

Once a wealthy young man wanted to follow Jesus. Jesus told him to give everything to poor people. Jesus loved the young man, but the young man refused. The young man trusted his wealth more than he trusted God. (Mark 10:17-23)

Verse 29

A person might expect to receive money from his parents. If he upsets them, then he will get nothing. He will become poor. Perhaps he will have to be someone’s poor servant. He must suffer, because he is foolish.

The Proverbs passage is all about being smart with what you chase after, what you hope for, and who you put your trust in.

If you're chasing after good things, you'll get props from people who help you out. But if you're chasing after bad stuff, you'll find trouble pretty easily.

Trusting in money might seem like a good move, but there will be times when cash won't save you. However, if you're trusting in doing what's right, you'll come out on top.

If you're constantly looking for drama, you're not going to find anything good. Like, if you're hooked on watching adult content, your life is going to feel pretty empty in the end.

And if you're dissing on God's teachings, you're just setting yourself up to be the punchline because, eventually, you'll have to answer for it.

So, take a minute to think: Are you too focused on getting ahead, even if it means stepping on others? And hey, are you keeping some shady secrets, like watching porn on the down-low?

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