Growth in Wisdom
The seeds of good deeds become a tree of life;
a wise person wins friends.[a]
If the righteous are rewarded here on earth,
what will happen to wicked sinners?
Verse 30
We can bring God’s life to other people. Our wisdom can show other people the way to God. This is another reason to learn God’s wisdom.
Verse 31
God is fair with everybody. The good man will receive good things. God will provide for him.
God is also fair with evil people. They will receive a fair punishment.
You've probably heard the saying: Life is about the choices we make. So, choose wisely.
Proverbs tells us that if we make smart choices, we'll win over people. But before we can win others over, we've gotta make sure we're in a good place ourselves.
Take King David for example. He poured his heart out to God, asking for help and thanking Him for being awesome. He knew what it meant to really seek help from a higher power.
Verse 31 basically says that if you're living right, good things will come your way. But if you're up to no good, you're in for a rough ride.
So, here's something to think about: If you keep on living the way you are now, will you end up with good stuff coming your way, or will it be more trouble than it's worth?
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