New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
May 5, 2024

Day 124 Stable Crown | Proverbs 12: 3-4

Day 124 Stable Crown | Proverbs 12: 3-4

Stable Crown

Wickedness never brings stability,
     but the godly have deep roots.

A worthy wife is a crown for her husband,
     but a disgraceful woman is like cancer in his bones.

Verse 3

This verse is not about the strength of a man’s body. It is about our whole lives. The good man has a strong belief in God. The good man uses his knowledge to make decisions. His emotions do not control him. When troubles come, he is confident. This verse reminds us of Jesus’ story in Matthew 7:24-27. A strong house is safe, when a storm comes. A weak house is in danger, and it will fall down.

God will protect us if we trust in him. But an evil man is weak. Troubles will destroy him.

Verse 4

A wife should be honest, fair and kind. If so, then her husband will be proud of her. She is valuable and precious to him, like a crown. He is glad that she is with him.

A bad wife hurts her husband. If the wife is evil, then the husband will suffer. He will even feel weak.

A husband and wife should look after each other. They should love each other. Both should trust in God. God will teach them to be good partners.

About 200 years back, Edward Mote penned a hymn that goes like this: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ, my righteousness..." He talks about standing firm on Jesus, who's like a rock, while everything else is just shaky ground. Maybe he was thinking about this proverb that says the good folks won't get knocked around.

In Verse 4, it's clear that husbands take a lot of pride in their accomplished wives, and vice versa. And when one does something shameful, it's a real blow to the other.

Same goes for parents and kids. When one messes up, it affects the whole fam.

So, here's the thing to mull over: Are you a good spouse or child? And if you've ever disappointed your folks or your partner, have you tried to make things right?

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