New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
May 7, 2024

Day 126 Godly and Sensible | Proverbs 12:7-8

Day 126 Godly and Sensible | Proverbs 12:7-8

Godly and Sensible

The wicked die and disappear,
     but the family of the godly stands firm.

A sensible person wins admiration,
     but a warped mind is despised.

Verse 7

This reminds us of verse 3. An evil man is never strong. When the evil man is in trouble, he may lose everything. He will not ask God to help him. His life is in danger.

A good man is never weak. Verse 7 speaks about his ‘house’. This word also means his family. A good man and his family are safe, even when troubles come. The man who trusts God is not afraid. Even if the good man loses everything, God will help him.

Verse 8

Some people praise wealthy people, or famous people. Other people follow kings and rulers. As Christians, we should respect wise people. A wise person, who serves God, deserves honor.

We often see wicked people who appear to be doing great and thriving. But Proverbs tells us that eventually, the success gained through evil ways will crumble and be wiped out.

On the flip side, take Martin Luther King, Jr. for example. He was tragically killed, but the goodness he stood for didn't die with him. His righteous Dream still lives on today.

Now, let's talk about warped minds today. Pedophilia is universally condemned, but there are other issues too. #MeToo is shedding light on the warped mindset behind nonconsensual sex. However, it's tough to change the mindset of the Free Love Movement of the 60s and 70s. But there's hope that society will start to recognize and condemn sex predators more openly.

Just to be clear, I'm not bashing #MeToo here. My point is that unfortunately, there are still too many people who don't see nonconsensual sex as a seriously twisted mindset. Too many folks, mainly men, still brush off harmful behavior with the excuse "Boys will be boys."

Now, here's something to think about: Sex isn't the only thing that messes with people's heads. Greed and pride can warp minds too. So, what are some other things that you think can mess with people's heads? Greed and pride are just a couple of examples.

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