New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
May 9, 2024

Day 128 Work Hard for your Money | Proverbs 12:11-12

Day 128 Work Hard for your Money  | Proverbs 12:11-12

Work Hard for your Money


A hard worker has plenty of food,
     but a person who chases fantasies has no sense.


Thieves are jealous of each other’s loot,
     but the godly are well rooted and bear their own fruit.

Verse 11

A farmer deserves his harvest. He has worked hard. He has looked after his animals. He has ploughed his land and he has sowed his seeds. He has protected his crops from the weather. He has rescued the plants from animals and insects. His reward is the harvest.

The person who merely imagines is lazy. He may make plans, but he does no work. He would be a very poor farmer. His imagination cannot help his plants and animals to grow. If the lazy man refuses to work, his plans will achieve nothing.

Verse 12

Different people have different ideas about work. Some people work with their hands. Managers use their intelligence as they work.

An evil person thinks that he is working. He uses his hands to steal from other people. He uses his intelligence to make evil plans. He thinks that he deserves to be wealthy.

An evil person does not behave in the proper way. He does not obey God’s law.

An evil man might seem impressive. He might be wealthy. He might seem clever. However, he is like a tree without roots. The part of his life that you see might seem good. The part that you do not see is terrible. His thoughts are terrible because they are evil.

A good man is like a tree that grows properly from its roots. He is strong (verse 3) because he trusts in God.

So, the first saying basically tells us to get real about making money. Instead of daydreaming about striking it rich overnight, it's better to put in the work. You know, those "get rich quick" schemes and hoping for a lottery win? They're just lazy wishes. It's like chasing rainbows for a pot of gold that doesn't exist.

Now, that Hebrew verse? It's a bit fuzzy. But in simpler terms, it's like saying bad guys who build up a fortress eventually see it crumble, while good folks who stay true to themselves stand strong.

What's the deal with Verse 11 then? Does it mean we shouldn't dream at all? Nah. It's cool to dream big, but don't forget to hustle while you dream. That's the real deal.

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