New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
May 16, 2024

Day 135 Don’t Worry Be Godly | Proverbs 12:25-26

Day 135 Don’t Worry Be Godly  | Proverbs 12:25-26

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Don’t Worry Be Godly


Worry weighs a person down;
     an encouraging word cheers a person up.


The godly give good advice to their friends;[a]
     the wicked lead them astray.

Verse 25

This verse expresses sympathy. A person who worries is sad. Life can be hard. People fear many things.

As Christians, we should look after other people. We should speak words of kindness and sympathy. We should speak words that encourage. We should tell people to trust God. Then we shall bring joy into people’s lives.

Verse 26

Other people benefit when someone respects God. People can learn from us. Our lives can teach people about God. This is like a man who leads his friend on a journey.

Life is like a journey. But an evil man is like a traveller who has no guide. This traveller must guide himself on his journey. He does not know the correct route, so he will go the wrong way. So the evil man will do the wrong things. He will suffer because his actions are evil.

So, there are a lot of anxious folks out there, right? Well, Proverbs gives us a simple solution: just say something nice. Seriously, a kind word can turn someone's anxiety into happiness.

Think about it: Have you made the world a little less anxious today with your words?

Now, here's another nugget of wisdom from Proverbs: A good person is careful about who they hang out with and how they influence them. But wicked folks? They lead their friends down the wrong path.

Remember what your mom always said? "Choose your friends wisely. They can either lift you up or bring you down."

Now, here's a challenge for you: Try to say something nice to at least five people every day. At the end of the day, reflect on whether you hit your goal.

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