New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
May 21, 2024

Day 140 Better Off Dead | Proverbs 13:7-8

Day 140 Better Off Dead | Proverbs 13:7-8

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Better Off Dead

Some who are poor pretend to be rich;
     others who are rich pretend to be poor.

The rich can pay a ransom for their lives,
     but the poor won’t even get threatened.

Verse 7 is similar to Proverbs 12:9.

There is an interesting connection between verses 7 and 8. A man, who pretends to be wealthy, places himself in danger. Unlike a rich man, however, he cannot use money to save himself. It is safer to pretend that you are poor!

In verse 8, a rich man has many benefits. He can use his money to save himself. However, the poor man escapes this danger. The thieves do not want to steal from a poor man. The thieves know that a poor man has nothing for them to steal. Some benefits of wealth are not real.

Some people want to appear rich so badly that they pretend to have wealth they don't actually possess. Imagine how empty that kind of life must be.

I recently watched a movie about J. Paul Getty, who was once the richest man in the world. His grandson was kidnapped, but Getty didn't want to pay the ransom because he cared more about his money and art than other people's lives. Spoiler alert: Getty eventually paid the ransom, but only after his grandson lost an ear.

Verse 8 makes a good point. I don't worry about any of my family being kidnapped because I don't have enough money to make it worthwhile.

Think about this: Which of the following sounds best to you?

  1. Having so much money that you can buy anything you want, but needing bodyguards all the time.
  2. Being so poor that no one wants what you have, but being hungry.
  3. Having enough money for your needs but not your wants.

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