New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
May 26, 2024

Day 145 PaperBoy Blues | Proverbs 13:17-18

Day 145 PaperBoy Blues | Proverbs 13:17-18

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PaperBoy Blues


An unreliable messenger stumbles into trouble,
     but a reliable messenger brings healing.


If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace;
     if you accept correction, you will be honored

Verse 17

If we are Christians, then we carry a message from God to the people in the world. This message is very important. We must always tell the truth. We must not keep God’s message as a secret.

Our message, as Christians, is a good message. This message cures the spirits of men and women. This message will help people to know God. This message will protect them from evil plots. This message will teach the way to heaven. God loves the people from every country. He will forgive them, if they trust in him. These are all good things.

Verse 18

We are like soldiers in God’s army. We should learn discipline. Sometimes we make mistakes. God shows us that we are wrong. We must not refuse God’s correction. If we gladly accept God’s correction, then God will give honour to us.

The first proverb is about the integrity of a messenger, which is even more important today. Think about the messengers or pundits delivering news on broadcasts—do they have integrity, or are they just saying things for shock value?

Verse 18 addresses pride. If someone thinks they don't need discipline because they believe they are better than the person offering it, they are setting themselves up for failure. However, if someone is humble enough to accept correction, they will benefit from it.

Let me ask you: How do you handle receiving correction?

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