New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
May 30, 2024

Day 149 Funny Woman | Proverbs 14:1-2

Day 149 Funny Woman | Proverbs 14:1-2

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Funny Woman


A wise woman builds her home,
     but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.

Those who follow the right path fear the Lord;
     those who take the wrong path despise him.

Verse 1

This is a little story that uses humor.

We walk along the street and we see two women. Both women are working on their homes.

The first woman is wise. She carefully builds her house. Skillfully, she makes a beautiful home for her family.

We expect that the other woman is doing the same. However, we are wrong. In fact, the second woman is pulling down her own home.

The story means this. A wise woman loves her family. She looks after them. She works hard to help them. A wise woman is a woman who serves God.

A foolish woman hates God and loves evil things. She might think that she loves her family. However, her evil actions do not help her family. Instead, her evil actions hurt her family.

Verse 2

We should respect God. So we should do the things that please him. See the instructions in Hebrews 13.

Some people hate God. They might not realise that they hate God. But their actions prove this. They refuse to obey God. Instead, they do evil things. Jesus said, ‘If you love me, you will obey my commands.’ (John 14:15).

Even though the first proverb seems obvious, many people don't follow it. Both women and men often criticize and undermine their spouses. When someone constantly complains about their spouse, they might not realize they're destroying their home from within. Hurtful words can damage a home more effectively than any wrecking ball.

Verse 2 points out that when people openly sin, regardless of what they claim, they show they don't love God because they're not doing what He wants. On the other hand, those who try to do what God wants because they respect Him are the ones who truly "fear" God.

Let me ask you: If you have a family, do you work to build it up or tear it apart?

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