New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
June 2, 2024

Day 152 Foolish Fools | Proverbs 14:7-8

Day 152 Foolish Fools | Proverbs 14:7-8

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Foolish Fools

Stay away from fools,
     for you won’t find knowledge on their lips.

The prudent understand where they are going,
     but fools deceive themselves.

Verse 7

A fool is someone who hates God’s wisdom. You cannot learn from this man, because he himself has learned nothing from God.

Verse 8

A sensible person is cautious. He uses his knowledge to make good plans. He thinks carefully and he obtains advice. His decisions are good.

A fool thinks that his decisions are right. However, a fool hates God, so his decisions are evil. The fool does wrong things, because he does evil things instead of good things. His evil thoughts are lies. He trusts in his own lies, and suffers as a result.

The first proverb is similar to the saying, "You are shaped by the company you keep." We are all heavily influenced by the people we spend time with. If our friends lie and mock God, we become more accepting of liars and fools.

Verse 8 is like the saying, "By their fruits you shall know them." People are either wise or deceitful. You trust the advice of someone who has been wise in the past. You don't trust the advice of someone who has been divisive and deceitful before.

Let me ask you: How God-fearing are your friends, and how God-fearing are you?

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