New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
June 6, 2024

Day 156 What I Said? | Proverbs 14:15-16

Day 156 What I Said? | Proverbs 14:15-16

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What I Said?


Only simpletons believe everything they’re told!
     The prudent carefully consider their steps.


The wise are cautious and avoid danger;
     fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence.

Verse 15

Solomon compares a wise person and a simple person.

Unlike a fool, a simple person does not hate God. You can teach a simple person. He can learn to do good things. Or he can learn to do evil things. He believes anything that you tell him.

You can teach a wise person too. However, you cannot teach him to do evil deeds, because he is sensible. He thinks carefully about your words. He works out whether you are correct.

Verse 16

In this verse, Solomon compares a wise person and a fool. A wise person respects God, but a fool hates God. The fool thinks that he himself is always right. A fool will not learn from anyone else. He is angry if someone tries to correct him. He loves to do evil actions.

The first proverb reminds us not to accept everything we hear without thinking about how it fits with Scripture. This is especially important today when lies are often presented as "alternative facts."

To do this well, you really need to know what the Scriptures actually say. Sometimes people quote verses inaccurately to justify wrong actions.

Verse 16 emphasizes that evil can hurt you, so it's best to avoid it whenever possible. When you can't avoid it, be sure to act thoughtfully instead of reacting impulsively. Evil exists to undermine God's creation, especially humans.

Let me ask you: Where do you get your information about the world? Do you take what you hear on TV or read on the Internet as fact? Do you listen more to digital assistants like Siri or to the Scriptures?

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