New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
June 7, 2024

Day 157 Why So Angry? | Proverbs 14:17-18

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Why So Angry?


Short-tempered people do foolish things,
     and schemers are hated.


Simpletons are clothed with foolishness,
     but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

Verse 17

Solomon contrasts two different types of people.

The first person is quick. In a moment, he becomes very angry. He has a terrible temper. He does not think about his actions. He does evil things so quickly that he cannot think first.

The second person is slow. He takes a long time to make his plans. He thinks about them carefully.

Verse 18

If a simple man learns to do evil deeds, then he becomes a fool. When he is simple, he does not choose to be evil. He does evil things because he is not wise. He does evil things by mistake.

When he becomes a fool, the same person hates God. Now, the man loves to do evil actions. He refuses to learn good things.

We should help simple people to believe in God. Then they can become wise. Then their reward will be knowledge. As a king receives a crown, so they will receive knowledge. Other people will see their knowledge and respect them.

The first proverb is like saying, "Haste makes waste." The problem isn't having to act quickly—sometimes that's necessary. The real issue is reacting without thinking.

The second part of the proverb talks about sly people. If someone is secretive and doesn't share why they do things, even if their reasons are good, others might resent them.

Verse 18 says that people who stay uninformed or ignorant without trying to learn are simple. But prudent people seek knowledge and wisdom. A simple person might start with biases against certain groups but can become wise by seeking understanding.

Let me ask you: Are there areas in your life where you are uninformed and content to stay that way?

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