New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
June 13, 2024

Day 163 Anger and Peace | Proverbs 14:29-30

Day 163 Anger and Peace | Proverbs 14:29-30

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 Anger and Peace


People with understanding control their anger;
     a hot temper shows great foolishness.


A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
     jealousy is like cancer in the bones.

Verse 29

Patience is good. ‘Everyone should be quick to listen. Everyone should be slow to speak. Everyone should be slow to become angry.’ (James 1:19) A patient person will learn many things. This is how he becomes intelligent. See James 5:7-11.

Verse 30

Our emotions are powerful. Anger (verse 29) and jealous attitudes can even affect our health. So can good attitudes, like happiness. Paul wrote, ‘I have learned how to be content in every situation. I am content whether I am hungry or full. I am content whether I have plenty, or nothing.’ (Philippians 4:12)

In the first proverb, being "slow to anger" is the same as having "great understanding," which is also linked to "long life." On the other hand, having a "quick temper" is associated with "foolishness," which is also linked to "death."

Some people claim that God made them quick-tempered, and it's unfair for God to expect them to change. However, we live in a flawed world. The good news is that these persistent sins, like a quick temper, can be forgiven. People can change if they repent, confess their sins, trust in God (through Jesus), and strive to improve.

Verse 30 explains that envy "rots the bones," meaning that envy destroys people's appreciation for the blessings God has given them.

Think about this: Road rage is on the rise in America. People are getting shot for making negative comments about celebrities. Psychologists say it's healthy to vent your rage, but that's nonsense!

Todays Wisdom for the Day Wise Guest Reader was Lauren King. If you are interested in reading the days Proverbs on a future episode, send me an email to

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