New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
June 19, 2024

Day 169 Lips and Hearts | Proverbs 15:7-8

Day 169 Lips and Hearts | Proverbs 15:7-8

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Lips and Hearts

The lips of the wise give good advice;
     the heart of a fool has none to give.

The Lord detests the sacrifice of the wicked,
     but he delights in the prayers of the upright.

Verse 7

The wise man teaches the things that he knows. Other people hear and they benefit from his advice. If we are wise, then we can help many people.

The fool’s heart does not benefit anyone. A fool hates God, and hates wisdom. Solomon does not mean the fool’s physical heart. Solomon means the fool’s emotions, thoughts and spirit. There is no wisdom there, because the fool’s thoughts are all evil.

Verse 8

The people of Israel sacrificed (killed) animals as a gift to God (Leviticus chapters 1 to 7). If an evil person did this, God would not accept the gift. God wants us to be holy. He wants us to ask him to forgive us. He wants us to trust in him. No gift can forgive us. Only God, who loves us, can forgive us. See Psalm 51:16-17 and Luke 18:10-14.

When you read the first proverb, ask yourself: When talking with friends, do you only discuss the weather and sports, or do you also talk about wise and meaningful things? God wants those who know Him to share wisdom and understanding.

Verse 8 teaches us that outward religious rituals are meaningless if our motivations aren't pure. God knows what's in everyone's heart. Hypocrisy doesn't impress God and won't earn anyone a place in heaven. Hypocrisy is lying, and lies are an abomination to the Lord.

Let me ask you: When you talk with others, do you use the opportunity to share and spread God’s wisdom and understanding?

Guest Reader Cassie McClellan. If you are interested in being a guest reader.. send an email to

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