New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
June 20, 2024

Day 170 Wicked or Godly | Proverbs 15:9-10

Day 170 Wicked or Godly | Proverbs 15:9-10

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Wicked or Godly

The Lord detests the way of the wicked,
     but he loves those who pursue godliness.


Whoever abandons the right path will be severely disciplined;
     whoever hates correction will die.

Verses 9

Our behavior shows what sort of people we are.

God hates the actions of wicked people. God hates their evil thoughts and plans.

We should do the right things. We should trust God. We should obey his instructions. God will help us to do the right things. He loves us.

Verse 10

Solomon explains about people who start to do evil things. God will correct them. Sometimes, as a father smacks his child, this correction will be bitter. God corrects the person so that the person will return to God. See John 15:2.

If a person does not accept God’s correction, then that person will suffer. See 1 Timothy 4:14. That person’s punishment will be severe. See John 15:6, Hebrews 3:7-13 and 1 Corinthians 11:27-30. But we must encourage that person to return to God. God forgives even very evil people, if they confess their bad behavior to him.

In Verse 9, we learn that the Creator loves when His creations follow good but hates wickedness. God doesn't hate the person who sins, but because He is completely holy, He cannot tolerate wickedness. Since all of creation has fallen and we all sin, God cannot tolerate us as we are. That's why Jesus had to die—through His death, we can be reconciled to God. We all need a Savior.

Verse 10 speaks about stern discipline, saying that those who hate correction will face severe consequences, even death. Why do people dislike correction? It's often due to pride, which is frequently called the deadliest sin.

Think about this: Every day, we need to examine our attitude about receiving correction. Some people believe that our actions don't matter because Jesus will save us regardless. That's an example of cheap grace. Our actions and motivations do matter, and true repentance—being genuinely sorry for our sins—is necessary!

Guest Reader Ashton McAlpin. If you are interested in being a guest reader.. send an email to

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