New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Jan. 19, 2024

Day 19 Investing Wisdom | Proverbs 3:15-16

Investing Wisdom

You can put your money in a bank. The bank will pay you an income. However, the bank is not as good as Wisdom. If you give your life to Wisdom, she will pay more than any bank. No bank can make your life longer. But Wisdom can give a long life. No bank can promise you a place in heaven. But wisdom can promise this. No bank can make you right with God. Investing Wisdom can do this.

In this verse Solomon continues to describe the value of wisdom. This continues the poetic representation of wisdom as a woman (Proverbs 1:20; 3:14). He says wisdom is more precious than jewels, and nothing anyone might desire can compare with wisdom. Proverbs uses the term wisdom in reference to something more than mere intelligence, or knowledge. Biblical wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge in a godly way. That capacity to follow God's will is incredibly valuable—more so than any material possession ever would be.

The Hebrew word translated "jewels" in the ESV is pe'niy'yim, which more or less means "pearls," but can also be applied to all kinds of precious gems. As of this writing, an emerald-and-diamond ring associated with the Rockefeller family carries an estimated value of $5.5 million in United States dollars. A stone known as the Oppenheimer Blue diamond carries a value more than $57.5 million, and the famous Hope Diamond is estimated to be worth $250 million. Nevertheless, none of these gems are as valuable as wisdom.

Furthermore, this Scripture affirms that nothing a person can desire can compare with wisdom. That includes all possessions, accolades, and luxuries. Investing Wisdom. A person may desire fame or fortune, but wisdom is far better. Even ownership of the world's highest priced mansion, automobile, yacht, or private jet cannot compare with the value of wisdom. A truly wise person can enjoy fellowship with God now and forever as well as eternal rewards, whereas a worldly-wise person without God may surround himself with luxuries, but he has nothing of eternal value.

In this verse Solomon again portrays wisdom as a woman (Proverbs 1:20), perhaps a princess, who bestows valuable gifts to those who find her. It's helpful to remember that the book of Proverbs uses the term wisdom in reference to one's ability to act according to godly knowledge. This, accordingly, is more precious than any material possession.

From her right hand, wisdom bestows longevity. From her left hand she bestows wealth and honor. As a general rule, wisdom—the ability to follow the will and purposes of God—allows a person to enjoy both quantity of years and quality of life. Because wisdom enables a wise person to shun evil and bad habits, he avoids the destructive effects of sin that befall so many who lack wisdom. Therefore, the wise person's life is not cut short by reckless living. A wise person also enjoys quality of life by choosing to obey the Lord and stay in close fellowship with Him.

Furthermore, others respect such a person. Even unbelievers will respect him, although they reject his way of life. Believers are linked to Jesus, "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3). And when we draw from Christ's wisdom and live wisely, we are "blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom we shine as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:15).

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