New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
July 17, 2024

Day 197 Deadheads Touch | Proverbs 16:31-33

Day 197 Deadheads Touch | Proverbs 16:31-33

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Deadheads Touch


Gray hair is a crown of glory;
     it is gained by living a godly life.


Better to be patient than powerful;
     better to have self-control than to conquer a city.


We may throw the dice,[a]
     but the Lord determines how they fall.

Verse 31

This person is an old man, who respects God. The man’s grey hair looks like a crown.

This old man deserves a real crown, because he is wise. We should respect God and do good things. Then, we too shall deserve honour, like the old man.

This man is not like the man in verse 30. The man in verse 30 caused trouble for other people. But the man in verse 31 did good things. He spoke wise words. And the result was that other people benefited. So the man in verse 31 deserves great honor.

Verse 32

The last man in this passage is a patient man. He is not angry. He does not fight. He achieves results, because he works slowly and carefully. He can achieve more than a man who wins a war.

v33 Men think that things happen by chance.

But God controls everything.

Verse 33

In the Bible, people sometimes made decisions by lot (that is, by a game of chance).

Jesus had 12 disciples (special students). One of these was Judas, who helped to arrest Jesus. Then Judas killed himself. Afterwards, the Christians decided to appoint a new disciple (a special student of Jesus). They asked God to guide them. Then they chose Matthias by lot (Acts 1:21-25).

We do not need to use lots like this today, because God has given his Holy Spirit to guide us. (John 16:13).

However, often we cannot explain some events in our lives. Things happen, and we do not always know why. Some people might say, ‘This happened by chance’ (that is, by accident). But we know that God is guiding us by his Holy Spirit. We know that God controls these events.

The first proverb reminds us to respect the knowledge of older people, which is unusual in today's youth-obsessed society.

At 56 I have very little hair that hasn’t turned gray. I wear it as a badge to remind me of this verse.. to live a Godly life. AND as a bonus, Kimmy likes it a lot.

Verse 32 emphasizes God's desire for His creation to be humble.

Verse 33 reassures us that God is still in control, even in a chaotic world.

Let me ask you: When you hear about all the evil and destruction on the news, do you sometimes doubt that God is still in control? Maybe you should watch less news.

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