New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
July 18, 2024

Day 198 Crusty Servant | Proverbs 17:1-2

Day 198 Crusty Servant | Proverbs 17:1-2

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Crusty Servant


Better a dry crust eaten in peace
     than a house filled with feasting—and conflict.

A wise servant will rule over the master’s disgraceful son
     and will share the inheritance of the master’s children.

Verse 1

Dry bread is not a good meal. We might prefer the rich food at a party. But a quiet place is better than a place where people argue.

A party can be noisy and unpleasant. Any arguments will upset people and spoil the meal. The man would be happier if he stayed at home. For this man, dry bread is better than special food at a party.

If possible, we should not argue.

Verse 2

An evil son deserves to be a servant. A wise servant deserves to be a son.

If the evil son does not change his ways, he will lose his inheritance. (An inheritance is the family’s money and possessions. Normally, a child receives an inheritance when his parents die.) The wise servant will receive a share of the inheritance instead of the evil son.

See John 8:39, Acts 13:42-46, and Galatians 3:26-29. A member of Abraham’s family ought to be a child of God. Each person who is a member of Abraham’s family deserves this. It is like that person’s inheritance. But if that person refuses to follow Jesus, then that person loses his inheritance. Instead, everyone who is not from this family can become a child of God. Everyone who follows Jesus is a child of God.

In the first proverb, the Creator emphasizes the importance of harmonious relationships. It's better to live in peace with your family, even without much wealth, than to be wealthy but estranged from them.

In modern terms, Verse 2 could be interpreted as: an honest and hardworking employee might end up running the family business instead of the owner's irresponsible son.

Let me ask you Enjoying a quiet, peaceful meal with friends can be rejuvenating. If your meals are often filled with anger and conflict, it may be beneficial to reconsider who you share your meals with. Do you need to change your dining companions?

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