New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
July 21, 2024

Day 201 Jive Talkin’ | Proverbs 17:7-8

Day 201 Jive Talkin’ | Proverbs 17:7-8

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Jive Talkin’

Eloquent words are not fitting for a fool;
     even less are lies fitting for a ruler.

A bribe is like a lucky charm;
     whoever gives one will prosper!

Verse 7

Solomon uses humor here. A fool (an evil person) should be careful about his words. His words will cause trouble. Instead, he should say nothing. Certainly, he should not try to speak in a clever way. (Of course, a fool would not obey Solomon’s advice.)

However, some things are much worse than a fool who tries to impress people with his proud words. For example, people will not respect a ruler who lies.

Verse 8

Again, Solomon uses humor. He does not want us to give bribes (secret gifts). Solomon teaches that bribes are terrible. Bribes encourage people to do evil things. See Proverbs 15:27.

A bribe (secret gift) is like magic, because it changes people. Suddenly, people forget to do the right thing. Instead, they do something else, because of the bribe.

We should always do the right thing. So we should never give bribes. And we should refuse to accept bribes.

Arrogant speech and pride are not suitable for anyone, especially a fool. God condemns rulers who lie because it means they are not helping the weak, the poor, the fatherless, the oppressed, and the needy.

Verse 8 talks about how bribes usually work—the person giving the bribe often benefits. This is not how God intended the world to work. In the Old Testament, God condemns bribery at least 22 times. This verse doesn't support bribery but acknowledges that, in reality, bribes often achieve their intended effect.

Let me ask you: Many people struggle with pride. Do you? If you think you're the most humble person you know, there's an irony there, as true humility wouldn't claim that.

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