New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Aug. 4, 2024

Day 215 Zip it Up | Proverbs 18:7-8

Day 215 Zip it Up | Proverbs 18:7-8

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The mouths of fools are their ruin;
     they trap themselves with their lips.

Rumors are dainty morsels
     that sink deep into one’s heart.

Going Back to Verse 6 and now 7

A fool hates wisdom. A wise man thinks carefully about his words. But a fool does not think before he speaks. So the fool’s words cause arguments. His words cause trouble. And the fool deserves punishment for his evil words.

Verse 7 is a reminder that fools, mockers, and rebels can't control their mouths, which will eventually lead to their downfall.

Verse 8

This verse is the same as Proverbs 26:22.

People listen, when someone gossips. They enjoy the stories. They even believe that the stories are true. This is dangerous. These stories are like food, because of how they affect us. The stories enter the mind, even as food enters the stomach. These stories can cause troubles, even as bad food causes illness. And such stories can even make friends into enemies. 

Mature people know to keep gossip to themselves, understanding that spreading it can hurt others. However, many people aren't mature and can't wait to share the gossip, even adding more details, regardless of the harm it might cause.

You should be careful about the words that we hear. We should not encourage people to gossip.

Let me ask you: Do you pass on “dainty morsels” of gossip?  Do you enjoy being shocked by some of the news from Washington, so you quickly pass the news to your friends so they can be shocked?

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