New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Aug. 16, 2024

Day 227 Yachts Rock Anger | Proverbs 19:9-11

Day 227 Yachts Rock Anger | Proverbs 19:9-11

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Yachts Rock Anger

A false witness will not go unpunished,
     and a liar will be destroyed.


It isn’t right for a fool to live in luxury
     or for a slave to rule over princes!


Sensible people control their temper;
     they earn respect by overlooking wrongs.

Verse 9

This is similar to verse 5. Here, at verse 9, it contrasts with verse 8. We have a choice. The wise man loves wisdom, so he succeeds. The foolish man lies, so he will die. His death is the punishment for his evil words. 

We saw this proverb before: Liars will be punished. God repeats important truths to make sure we understand.

Verse 10

In the first line, the fool is someone who hates wisdom. He should suffer for his evil actions, but this fool does not suffer. Instead, he lives in luxury. Solomon thinks that this is terrible.

In the second line, a prince rules a country. However, the prince is unhappy, because he has a secret. The prince is afraid of his slave. The slave controls the prince. Solomon says that this is even worse.

Solomon was a king. Perhaps he knew this prince and his slave. We do not know who they were. But Solomon seems to write about them again in Ecclesiastes 6:1-3 and Ecclesiastes 10:5-7. 

Luxurious living isn't suitable for fools because they won't share their blessings. God wants everyone to share their blessings (See Genesis 12:3). Also, servants shouldn't rule over princes. History shows that people who rise from low positions to absolute power, like Hitler and Idi Amin, often misuse it.

Verse 11

A wise man forgives the mistakes of other people. This shows that the wise man is a great man. See Matthew 6:14-15. 

Let me ask you:

  1. Is lying a problem for you?
  2. Do you share your blessings with others?
  3. Can you control your anger?

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