New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Jan. 23, 2024

Day 23 Wisdoms Reward | Proverbs 3:23-24

Day 23 Wisdoms Reward | Proverbs 3:23-24

Wisdoms Reward

This is another passage that compares life with a journey. This passage teaches us that God will protect us. We have nothing to fear. Many Psalms teach a similar lesson. See Psalm 121, Psalm 46:1, and Psalm 62:2.

Verse 24 gives us special comfort. We cannot protect ourselves at night. In the dark, there are many dangers. Many people struggle to sleep. We should trust in God. He can keep us safe. He can protect us. ‘You do not benefit if you wake early. You do not need to work at night for your food. God gives sleep to the people whom he loves.’ (Psalm 127:2)

Solomon continues to name the benefits of sound wisdom and discretion. These traits were described in prior verses. To embrace those qualities brings security. Likely, King David told his son Solomon about the many times the Lord protected him from Saul in the wilderness. Now Solomon tells his student that God will enable him to walk securely without stumbling.

As with all statements in Proverbs, this is not meant as a universal guarantee. Danger and hardship come even to those who honor God (Proverbs 3:25). Rather, wisdom literature such as this presents general statements. Those who follow God's will, and His plan, have much less risk and greater chance for success than those who rebel. This statement, however, comes close to being an absolute prediction. When a person stumbles into sin, or strays from the path of God's will, it can only be done by failing to hold to sound wisdom and discernment.

Given all of that, it is comforting to know we do not walk alone through life. Our Good Shepherd, Jesus, walks with us. Not only does He walk with us, but He also walks in front of us. He leads us beside placid waters and in the paths of righteousness (Psalm 23:2–3). In John 10:4Christ assures us that He goes before us. Therefore, nothing befalls us that He has not encountered and allowed for our good. Hebrews 4:15 depicts Jesus as our great High Priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses and was tempted in every way that we are tempted. The next verse encourages us, therefore, to carry our concerns to Him in prayer, "that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).

This promise, wisdoms reward, comes in the same context as prior verses: a generally true statement of the benefits of obeying God. Obedience to the Lord is not a magical spell that prevents us from all negative things (Proverbs 3:25; John 16:1–4). However, those who follow God's Word and submit to His will don't put themselves under the same risks as those who are rebellious or depraved. Earlier verses pointed out that following the path which godly wisdom lays out will keep us from stumbling (Proverbs 3:23).

In that same sense, this verse tells us not to fear when we lie down to sleep. Even in the ancient day, fears and anxieties were a major disruption to one's sleep. Living wisely causes us to sleep soundly, because we know the Lord watches over us at night as well as during the day. David explains in Psalm 4:8, "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety." Also, when we honor the Lord and have a clear conscience, we aren't going to be kept awake fearing for the consequences of our actions.

Sleep comes more peacefully if we treasure the Lord's promise to be with us always (Matthew 28:20). When Herod arrested and imprisoned the apostle Peter with the likely intent to execute him the following day, Peter slept soundly. The fact that his execution was planned and guards were stationed around him did not interrupt his sleep (Acts 12:1–12). It is possible he recalled Jesus' prediction that he would die as an old man (John 21:18), and reasoned, "I am not old yet, so I have nothing to worry about. Herod cannot take my life tomorrow." Or perhaps he simply trusted that God would be with him regardless of the circumstances so there was no reason to fear. Wisdom teaches us to rely on the Lord's promises and get a good night's sleep. And THAT is wisdoms reward.

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