New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Aug. 25, 2024

Day 236 Lazy Fights | Proverbs 20:3-4

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Lazy Fights 

Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor;
     only fools insist on quarreling.

Those too lazy to plow in the right season
     will have no food at the harvest.

Verse 3

A wise man tries not to argue. He is polite - see Acts 26:2-3. Sometimes he says nothing, to avoid an argument - see Mark 14:61. But sometimes he must speak, although other people will be angry (Mark 14:62-65). His wisdom will guide him to know what to say.

A fool is evil and he hates wisdom. He loves arguments, because he loves his evil behavior.

In American society, we're often encouraged to stand up for our rights, but this can lead to conflicts when our rights clash with someone else's. The first proverb suggests that instead of arguing over who's right or wrong, it's better to show love. Remember, foolish actions lead to destruction.

Verse 4

Solomon uses humor here. The farmer in verse 4 was too lazy to plough his land. When the harvest is due, he gets a bad surprise. There is no food.

Even a stupid farmer knows that he must plough the ground. This farmer was lazy, so he will be hungry.

If we work hard, then we shall have enough food. Work is good. We should not be lazy. 

Verse 4 emphasizes that laziness is a sin, practically speaking. If you don't work, you won't have anything to eat when it's time to harvest. Humans weren't made to sit around doing nothing! Proverbs repeats this message multiple times, which shows how important it is to God.

Let me ask you: Fighting isn't the best way to prove you're right. If you win, you've only shown that you're stronger, not necessarily more correct. If you lose, the other person just sees you as weak. Do you often get into arguments about religion, politics, or family issues? That's not a wise way to resolve differences.

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