New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Aug. 31, 2024

Day 242 Rocky Bread | Proverbs 20:16-18

Day 242 Rocky Bread | Proverbs 20:16-18

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Rocky Bread


Get security from someone who guarantees a stranger’s debt.
     Get a deposit if he does it for foreigners.


Stolen bread tastes sweet,
     but it turns to gravel in the mouth.


Plans succeed through good counsel;
     don’t go to war without wise advice.

Verse 16

You cannot trust this man’s promise. He has promised on behalf of a foreigner. Perhaps the man is hiding an evil secret. Therefore, you must keep his coat, until he pays. See also Exodus 22:26-27.

Earlier in Proverbs, we were told not to take a coat from a poor person as a pledge, since they might suffer from the cold without it. But here, it's considered acceptable to take a garment as a pledge from someone who offers collateral for a stranger. Why? Because anyone willing to put up collateral for a stranger is acting foolishly and lacks common sense.

Verse 17

A man eats a meal. His food tastes good and sweet. He enjoys the meal.

But suddenly, something is wrong. The meal tastes awful. He breaks his teeth. His mouth is full of stones!

Evil actions are like this. Evil behavior may tempt us and attract us. We might feel happy when we do an evil action. But soon it will feel terrible. In the end, we feel shame.

The man in verse 17 stole his food. Or perhaps he cheated someone else to get the meal. In the end, he receives his punishment…something gained through fraud might bring temporary pleasure, but in the end, the deceit will ruin the joy.

Verse 18

Be careful when you make an important decision!

When a king goes to war, people will die. He must not decide to go to war while he is angry. He must think carefully. He must obtain good advice, from honest advisers… for any plan to succeed, it needs more than just the person making the plan—it also requires at least one wise advisor to provide guidance. See Luke 14:31-33.

Let me ask you: When you make plans, are you hesitant to listen to others who might offer different advice? If so, is it because you don't trust their wisdom, or are you afraid they might be right?

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