New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Sept. 1, 2024

Day 243 Gossip and Insults | Proverbs 20:19-21

Day 243 Gossip and Insults  | Proverbs 20:19-21

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Gossip and Insults 


A gossip goes around telling secrets,
     so don’t hang around with chatterers.


If you insult your father or mother,
     your light will be snuffed out in total darkness.


An inheritance obtained too early in life
     is not a blessing in the end.

Verse 19

You cannot trust this man. He gossips, so he will tell your secrets to everyone. I mean, really.. verse 19 is a no-brainer: it's not smart to spend time around someone who can't keep their mouth shut.

We should not gossip. See James 4:11-12.

Verse 20

We must respect our parents. God orders us to do this. See Deuteronomy 5:16, and Matthew 15:4-6.

The second line of verse 20 means that this man deserves death. A man who insults his parents deserves a terrible punishment (Exodus 21:17).

Verse 20 reinforces the Fourth Commandment but takes it even further. It warns that cursing your parents is a serious offense—so serious that it says if you do, you deserve to die.

Verse 21

There are many ways to get money quickly. You might steal money. You might cheat other people. You might make an evil plan. These methods are all evil. If you do these things, then you will suffer punishments and troubles.

You should earn money from your work. This is slower than if you steal. But God will be pleased with you because you are honest.

This verse really cautions that if you receive an inheritance too quickly, it may not be a blessing. The person inheriting might not be mature enough to handle it wisely. This is similar to what happens when people win the lottery; it's rare that they truly benefit because they aren't prepared for sudden wealth.

Think about this: In our society, revealing a secret might not seem like a big deal, but it is to God. When you tell a secret, you're breaking a vow, and God commands us never to break our vows.

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