New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Sept. 7, 2024

Day 249 Poverty and Prosperity | Proverbs 21:4-6

Day 249 Poverty and Prosperity  | Proverbs 21:4-6

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Poverty and Prosperity

Haughty eyes, a proud heart,
     and evil actions are all sin.

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity,
     but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.

Wealth created by a lying tongue
     is a vanishing mist and a deadly trap.

Verse 4

Evil people are proud. They think that they are more important than other people. And evil people think that they do not need God.

Evil people are proud when they look at other people. When they see other people, they hate those people.

The desires and actions of evil people are all wicked.

Verse 5

A businessman must think hard when he makes his plans. Then his business will succeed. He must think carefully, before he makes each decision.

This is true about all our plans. We should not make plans in a hurry. We must use intelligence, and make our plans carefully. If we follow our emotions, then our plans will fail.

Verse 6

This person cheats and steals to get money. He refuses to work to earn his money. God will punish him, even if judges do not punish him. Suddenly he will lose all his money. See Luke 12:20-21.

Let me ask you: Sometimes we need to make decisions quickly. How do you avoid making bad choices? First, study the Bible regularly, not just when there's a crisis. If you have time, talk over your options with a wise and trusted friend (which means you should already have wise friends before a crisis happens). And always seek guidance from the Holy Spirit before you act.

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