New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Oct. 2, 2024

Day 274 Childs Reward | Proverbs 23:15-18

Day 274 Childs Reward | Proverbs 23:15-18

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Childs Reward


My child, if your heart is wise,
     my own heart will rejoice!


Everything in me will celebrate
     when you speak what is right.


Don’t envy sinners,
     but always continue to fear the Lord.


You will be rewarded for this;
     your hope will not be disappointed.

Verses 15-16

But you will be glad if your child learns to be wise. You will be especially glad if you had to punish your child. You must teach your child to be wise. You must teach the child to respect God. And if you do the right things, your child will copy your behavior. And your child will also teach other people to be wise.

Verses 17-18

Perhaps you are jealous because some evil people are wealthy. Or they are famous, or important (Psalm 73:3-5). But you must desire the right things. So do not be jealous when you see evil people. Instead, think about God. Remember that God loves you. Remember the things that God wants you to do. And God will reward you.

Think about this: Who in your life are you giving advice to? You don’t need to be a professional counselor to share your love and joy in knowing God. You can tell anyone about your faith. Maybe they’ll listen, maybe they won’t, or it might take years for them to respond. Your job is to share, and let God take care of the rest.

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