Drunk Sailor
You will stagger like a sailor tossed at sea,
clinging to a swaying mast.
And you will say, “They hit me, but I didn’t feel it.
I didn’t even know it when they beat me up.
When will I wake up
so I can look for another drink?”
Verse 34
When the drinker drinks too much alcohol, he feels like someone on a ship. The drinker cannot walk in a straight line. He might shake. He might fall. He might be sick.
Verse 35
Now the drinker hurts himself. But he might not feel the pain.
The next day, he might feel terrible pains. These pains are called a ‘hangover’. But the drunk does not learn from his error. He will make the same mistake again, many times.
This is because alcohol confuses the brain. The drunk does not realize that he must refuse alcohol. He thinks that he needs more alcohol. He supposes that alcohol will cure his problems. Really, alcohol causes all his problems.
Think about this: Alcohol can have a strong hold on people. My father was an alcoholic. He got dementia later in life that was cause from abusing alcohol. That disease took a vibrant smart man and turned him into a vegetable, almost overnight.
Do you know an alcoholic? Do you know what you can do to help? It can be tricky because you want to support them without enabling their behavior. One thing you can always do is pray for God to heal them.
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