New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Oct. 26, 2024

Day 298 Singing and Shame | Proverbs 25:20-22

Day 298 Singing and Shame | Proverbs 25:20-22

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Singing and Shame 


Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart
     is like taking someone’s coat in cold weather
     or pouring vinegar in a wound.[a]


If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat.
     If they are thirsty, give them water to drink.


You will heap burning coals of shame on their heads,
     and the Lord will reward you.

Scholars disagree on what Verse 20 means, but I like the interpretation that says it’s unwise to sing happy songs to someone who is grieving. Instead of helping, it can make them feel worse, like taking away a coat from someone in cold weather.

The vinegar and soda reference is familiar to anyone who made a volcano in school. The mixture fizzes and bubbles, but eventually settles into quiet nothingness.

Jesus’ command to love your enemies is echoed in Verse 21. Verse 22 continues this idea by saying that if you treat someone who has wronged you with kindness, it can cause them guilt and shame, like burning coals on their head.

Think about this: If someone does something terrible to you and you hold onto anger and bitterness, you’re only hurting yourself, not them. Forgiveness brings you peace.

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