New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 1, 2024

Day 32 Valuable Benefits | Proverbs 4:7-8

Day 32 Valuable Benefits | Proverbs 4:7-8

Valuable Benefits

Verse 7

Wisdom is better than everything else. It is better than money. It is better than beauty. It is better than health. Wisdom is worth more than everything that you own. Remember that these words come from Israel’s royal family. They had great wealth. But wisdom is more important than wealth.

Verse 8

As in verse 6, the poet compares wisdom to a woman. In verse 6, the poet tells us to love Wisdom. In verse 8, he tells us to hug her. We should get closer and closer to Wisdom. We shall benefit if we do so. Wisdom will lift us higher and give honour to us. Like a woman, Wisdom looks after those who love her.

Read carelessly, this statement can seem circular. The point, however, comes naturally from lessons already given in this book. Wisdom is far more valuable than any material possession (Proverbs 3:13–15). So the wisest thing a person can do is to seek wisdom. In more modern terms, we might say "the first rule of wisdom is to always seek more wisdom."

A life without wisdom can lead to shame, dishonor, regret, and misery, but setting a high value on wisdom and embracing it leads to exaltation and honor. In the context of the book of Proverbs, wisdom means an ability to live according to godly principles. Although wisdom is a gift from God, He gives it only to those who prize it, cherish His Word, and ask for it. This continues the lesson of wisdom which Solomon remembers hearing from his father, David (Proverbs 4:3).

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