New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Nov. 18, 2024

Day 321 Poor and Honest | Proverbs 28:6-8

Day 321 Poor and Honest  | Proverbs 28:6-8

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Poor and Honest

Better to be poor and honest
     than to be dishonest and rich.

Young people who obey the law are wise;
     those with wild friends bring shame to their parents.

Income from charging high interest rates
     will end up in the pocket of someone who is kind to the poor.

If you have to choose between money and integrity, always choose integrity. Once lost, integrity is extremely difficult to regain.

What does following the law have to do with gluttony? God’s law sees gluttony as a sin, and it’s one of the seven deadly sins. Why? Because gluttony wastes resources that could be used to help those in need.

Loan sharking is also forbidden, and even if someone engages in it, God will ultimately make sure that the money ends up back with the poor.

Think about this: Besides wasting God’s resources, why else do you think gluttony is considered a sin? Perhaps it reflects an unhealthy focus on indulging oneself rather than caring for others or honoring God’s provision.

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