New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 2, 2024

Day 33 Crown of Wisdom | Proverbs 4:9-10

Crown of Wisdom

Verse 9

At the end of this poem, the royal family speaks about a crown. This crown is not a gold crown or a silver crown. It is a crown for a king, but a poor person can wear a crown, too. Wisdom gives honour to us. This gift is like a beautiful crown.

In the introduction to this poem, we saw that it was about every family. This poem was not just about Israel’s royal family. Every family can teach wisdom. Every person can trust God and learn to be wise. We can all wear wisdom’s crown. Jesus said, ‘God will give honour to anyone who serves me.’ (John 12:26)

This passage returns to the idea that life is like a journey.

Verse 10

If we plan our journeys wisely, then we are safer. We can avoid many dangers. In the same way, if we are wise, then our lives will be safer.

David continued his advice to Solomon (Proverbs 4:3) by promising that wisdom gives an attractive life to those who embrace it. Wisdom also extends life. The beautiful crown mentioned in this verse likely describes gray hair or age. Proverbs 16:31 says, "Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." Although longevity is not guaranteed to Christians, applying wisdom to daily life can keep a believer from making injurious decisions. It also produces a life to be admired, even among those who reject God (Matthew 5:16).

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