New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 2, 2025

Day 33 Doves Descent | Genesis 1:2

Day 33 Doves Descent | Genesis 1:2

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Ever wondered how the Spirit of God can transform chaos into order and beauty? Today on Wisdom for the Day, we unravel the profound imagery of Genesis 1:2, where God's Spirit hovers over the waters, initiating the world's first divine journey. Join me, Rick, as we explore how this powerful presence not only shaped the world but continues to nurture and guide us through life's daunting challenges. This episode uncovers the timeless truth that, while we often struggle to manage life's chaos on our own, it is through God's power that we find true clarity and strength.

Reflect with me on the Spirit's nurturing role, much like a bird protecting its young, as mentioned in Psalm 104:30. Let's seek divine order in our daily lives through prayer and faithful obedience, trusting in God's creative presence to prepare us for whatever lies ahead. As we invite the Spirit to spread its wings over our lives, we gain the strength to embrace each day with renewed faith and purpose. Tune in again tomorrow for more spiritual insights and the Wisdom of God's Word, and let's continue this journey together.

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00:00:02.564 --> 00:00:07.413
Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.

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I'm Rick.

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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.

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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, ready to feel inspired.

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Let's get started.

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Today is Day 33, dove's Descent from Genesis, chapter 1, verse 2.

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The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

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You know, the first journey in Genesis isn't a pilgrimage by our spiritual ancestors across a rugged terrain in response to God's call.

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Now, while such journeys like that do happen later in Scripture, the very first journey recorded is taken by God himself.

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The Spirit of God hovers over a world that was formless and empty.

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He descends into the darkness that covered the surface of the deep.

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Now, this divine journey shouldn't surprise us.

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I mean, all throughout the Bible, god steps into order out of chaos and shine light into darkness.

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Yet we often forget this.

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We tend to think we can manage life's raw materials on our own, creating order out of disorder, but more often than not we end up making a mess of things right.

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We lack wisdom and strength to shape life into something beautiful.

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God, though, does have that power.

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That's why the first journey in scripture is about him.

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The spirit hovers over the world a lot like a bird, protecting and feeding her young and, as the psalmist tells us, god continues to send his spirit to renew the face of the earth.

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Psalm 104, 30.

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Now, god's creative and sustaining presence nurtures us, giving us the strength for faithful obedience in our own lives.

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Strength for faithful obedience in our own lives.

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He's the one who shapes and sustains us.

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Just like he brought beauty and order to the world in the beginning, won't you pray with me, lord?

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Spread the wings of your spirit and hover over our lives with your care and love.

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Bring order to our lives so that we can respond to you in trust and obedience, amen.

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Well, that's all for today, but I'll be back tomorrow with more of God's Word.

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To listen to past episodes, go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day, merch.

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Go to buymeacoffeecom.

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Slash renewed mindsets and consider becoming a community member.

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The executive producer for Wisdom of the Day is Kimmy Shirley.

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Quality tomorrow.

00:02:57.021 --> 00:02:57.562
I'm Rick.

00:02:57.562 --> 00:02:58.443
I love you, see ya.

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