New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 3, 2024

Day 34 Sharp Dressed Man | Proverbs 4:11-12

Sharp Dressed Man

Verse 11

We shall not walk alone. Wisdom will be our guide and our guard. Remember that this whole book is about God’s wisdom! God protects us, when we live our lives in his way. Jesus said, ‘Do not worry about clothes. Look at the flowers in the fields. The flowers do not work or make clothes. But even the wealthy king Solomon did not dress as well as the flowers. God dresses the grasses in the field beautifully, although tomorrow they will burn in the fire. He will provide your clothes also, although you hardly believe.’ (Matthew 6:28-30) Jesus explained that the same was true about food and drink. God cares for us. He will provide what we need for each day. He will lead us to our home in heaven.

Verse 12

‘The people who trust in God will become stronger. They will be so strong, that they will be like the eagle (a large, strong bird). They will run, but they will not become tired. They will walk, but they will not become weak.’ (Isaiah 40:31)

Solomon reminds his son that he taught him the way of wisdom and led him in the paths of uprightness. Two observations are significant in this verse. First, it is important to teach others how they should live. Second, it is also important to lead by example. This statement is complicated, coming from someone like Solomon. Scripture records that he drifted from following wisdom (1 Kings 11:4), only to realize his mistakes (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Spoken to a student (Proverbs 4:1), using fatherly terminology, this might be more literally true. Even so, a good father can use his own mistakes to help a child learn what is best. Solomon's own experience might have enhanced that message, in fact (Proverbs 4:13).

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