New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Dec. 12, 2024

Day 345 A.I. Love | Proverbs 30:18-19

Day 345 A.I. Love | Proverbs 30:18-19

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A.I. Love


There are three things that amaze me—
     no, four things that I don’t understand:


how an eagle glides through the sky,
     how a snake slithers on a rock,
     how a ship navigates the ocean,
     how a man loves a woman.

Last week, I heard two AI experts mention that while AI can mimic how people talk when they’re in love, it’s only rearranging words based on syntax—it doesn’t truly understand what it’s expressing. The complexity of a man’s feelings for a woman, for example, is far beyond a computer’s comprehension. I can barely put into words, the love of MY life. I certainly wouldn’t trust a computers definition.

Think about this: When an AI mimics love, it’s really just reflecting what the programmer defines as love. The hardest kind of love to replicate is “Agape Love”—the selfless, sacrificial love that Jesus showed for all of God’s creatures. This form of love goes beyond feelings and actions; it’s rooted in a deep, unconditional care that’s hard for any machine to grasp.

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