New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Dec. 25, 2024

Day 358 Mrs. Farmer | Proverbs 31:16-17

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Mrs. Farmer 


She goes to inspect a field and buys it;
     with her earnings she plants a vineyard.


She is energetic and strong,
     a hard worker.

The ideal woman in Proverbs is portrayed as a shrewd businesswoman, not someone waiting in submission. She recognizes a good opportunity, invests household resources, and works hard to turn the property into a productive vineyard. She is active, capable, and empowered.

Think about this: According to the Gospel of Luke and tradition, tonight a multitude of angels proclaimed that Yahweh became incarnate as the baby Jesus, bringing hope to the world. "All Yahweh’s works will speak of the glory of His kingdom and will make known to all people His mighty acts." This is how Creation is meant to work.

Now, reflect on your life: Are you speaking to those around you about the glory of God’s kingdom? Are you sharing the stories of God’s mighty acts with others?

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