New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 5, 2024

Day 36 Evil Men | Proverbs 4:15-17

Day 36 Evil Men | Proverbs 4:15-17

We must not do the same things that evil men do. Their behaviour is never wise. If we copy their actions, then we are in great danger.

Verse 16

As Solomon emphasises the lesson, he uses humour. He tells us to imagine the evil man. This man is a very evil man. So, he cannot even sleep until he has done an evil action. At midnight he gets up. He has still not done his evil action. He struggles to think an evil thought. The time is very late, but this man must act now. He cannot even sleep until he has completed his evil task.

The story shows us that evil things are powerful. Evil things will control us, like dangerous drugs or alcohol. We can become like slaves, to our own evil actions. God can set us free, but we must turn to him.

Verse 17

Solomon continues his joke. The evil man has woken. He is eating a meal. We are looking at his food. We expect to find bread or meat or vegetables. The evil man is eating none of these. This man does not want food. Instead, he chooses evil behaviour. He does not think that food will make him strong. Instead, he thinks that his evil actions will make him strong. He wants to do evil things, more than he desires his food. He thinks that evil things are essential for his life.

This evil man does not think that he needs milk or water or wine. He supposes that he can manage without these things. He does not want something to drink. Instead he thinks that cruelty is essential for his life. He wants cruelty, more than he wants a drink.

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