New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Dec. 29, 2024

Day 362 A Good One | Proverbs 31:26-29

Day 362 A Good One | Proverbs 31:26-29

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A Good One 


When she speaks, her words are wise,
     and she gives instructions with kindness.


She carefully watches everything in her household
     and suffers nothing from laziness.


Her children stand and bless her.
     Her husband praises her:


“There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
     but you surpass them all!”

What makes the ideal woman of Proverbs ideal is that

she is living life to the fullest.

Since she loves and fears God, her words are full of

wisdom and understanding. She has studied Scriptures so that she can teach her children and others.

The ideal woman in Proverbs is not only admired for her wisdom and abilities but is also deeply loved by her husband and children. Paul, in his famous "Love Chapter" (1 Corinthians 13), reminds us that no matter how skilled or successful someone may be, whether in business, efficiency, or wealth, it all means nothing without love.

The true ideal isn’t just about accomplishments; it's about living with a heart full of love. The ideal woman, man, mother, father, or child knows Yahweh’s unconditional love and allows that love to flow through them, touching everyone in their life.

Think about this: How can you let God’s unconditional love flow through you to touch others with that kind of agape love? Surrender yourself to God’s love, and as you do, it will naturally overflow into the lives of those around you, showing them the same love that He has shown to you.

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Dec. 29, 2023

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