New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 6, 2024

Day 37 Good Men | Proverbs 4:18-19

Day 37 Good Men | Proverbs 4:18-19

Verses 18-19 Good Men

This is a beautiful short poem. It contrasts a good man and an evil man. Sometimes people think that everyone is the same. Some people say that everyone is good. The Bible does not say this. The Bible says that we all have turned from God. We must turn back to him. Only God can make us good.

The goo d man has a good life. He does not yet know everything that God wants to teach him. He has not yet received all the gifts that God will give to him. His life is like a man who walks at dawn. At dawn, there is only a little light. But the light will soon become brighter. And soon the good man will know God better.

Paul writes about this in 1 Corinthians 13:12. ‘Now, we see an image in a poor mirror. In heaven, we shall see clearly. Now, I only know a little. One day, I shall know completely, as God knows me completely.’ Paul is writing about the time when he will see God in heaven.

The evil man has the opposite fate. He is like a man who walks on a dark path. A journey at midnight is dangerous. A traveller cannot see in the darkness. Without any lights, the traveller will trip and fall. In the same way, the evil man is in great danger. He will suffer because of his evil behaviour. God will punish him.

Many people, who are not Christians, want God in their lives. They know that they are in danger. They are like someone who travels at night. Christians should speak to them. We should share what God has given to us. God will help those who ask him. When these people first trust God, they will know little about God. In time, they will know more, as they live God’s way. In heaven, they will know God fully. A path becomes brighter as the day begins. And they will know more, as they trust God more.


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