New Format for 2025... Daily Devotionals from the Whole of God's Word.
Feb. 8, 2024

Day 39 Thoughts | Proverbs 4:23-25


Verse 23

We should be careful about how we think. We should love good things and hate evil things.

Verse 24

James 3:1-12 explains this verse. James compares our tongues to a fire. Our words can be powerful. We can use words to say good things. But we can use words to say evil things, too. Our mouths can praise God, but they can curse other people. We must be careful about our words.

Verse 25

We look forward, when we follow God. We should not look away from him. Jesus warned about this in Luke 17:31-32. ‘Jesus said, “Do not begin the work, then look back! If you look back, you cannot serve God.” ’ (Luke 9:62)

This verse continues to refer to the wise words Solomon is explaining to his son (Proverbs 4:20). As a general rule, vibrant life and good health escape those who violate God's Word. Machines often come with instruction manuals, which detail what the product is or is not designed to do. Those manuals also explain the right way to maintain that equipment. Just as the designer of a machine knows the best way to keep it in good condition, so too does the Designer of mankind know the best way for us to live. Accidents and incidents still occur, but common sense tells us that following "the plan" is the way to avoid unnecessary disaster.

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