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Welcome to Wisdom for the Day, your daily source for spiritual refreshment and guidance.
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I'm Rick.
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Join me as I dive into God's Word to find clarity and strength for life's challenges.
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Let me help you embrace each day with faith and wisdom, ready to feel inspired.
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Let's get started.
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Today is day 39.
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Who me From?
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Exodus, chapter 3, verse 11.
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Moses said to God who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?
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Have you ever tried to fix something, only to make it worse?
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I've had my share of those moments, especially when dabbling in plumbing.
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Moses knew exactly what that felt like.
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That's why he found himself in the wilderness tending sheep.
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Forty years earlier, his rash attempt at justice forced him to flee to the desert.
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In the wilderness, moses had plenty of time to reflect on his failures, but it was there, in the solitude of the desert, that Moses encountered the God, who had other plans for him.
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God intended to turn Moses from a shepherd of sheep into the shepherd of Israel, his people.
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Moses, however, wasn't very enthusiastic about his new role.
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He had come to understand his own limitations.
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In his eyes, he wasn't fit for the job.
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Many of us can relate.
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Life has taught us about our limitations and perhaps maybe we've lost some of the idealism that we once had.
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After being knocked down by life's challenges, we get a little pragmatic, or even jaded.
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We let go of the grand dreams and leave the tough jobs to somebody else.
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Why risk failure?
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Because we're not alone.
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Just as God said to Moses, I will be with you, he's with us too.
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Be with you, he's with us too.
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In fact, the name I am, which God gave to Moses, was later claimed by Jesus himself.
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And, as Jesus promised, he's with us always.
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So, even when we stumble or feel inadequate, god's presence is beside us, ready to catch us and to empower us to carry out his plan.
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Pray with me, lord.
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God, you found us hiding away from you again, wallowing in self-pity.
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Lord, shake us out of our stupor and fold us into your plans and empower us to go where you send us.
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Well, that's all for today, but I'll be back tomorrow with more of God's Word.
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To listen to past episodes, go to wisdomforthedayorg For free Wisdom of the Day merch.
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Go to buymeacoffeecom.
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Slash renewed mindsets and consider becoming a community member.
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The executive producer for Wisdom of the Day is Kimmy Shirley.
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Quality control engineer is Yelena McClellan.
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Intro and outro music by Weston McCurry Until tomorrow.
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I'm Rick, I love you, see ya.